About Me

My photo
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Life and the creative process are about the journey, not the destination. I love working with colour and texture and can get totally 'lost' in the creative process. Variety keeps my creative juices flowing. We are currently traveling full time in a 40' motorhome and bouncing between visits with a son in Albuquerque NM and a son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter in Calgary AB. In between we are busy exploring this great continent on which we live. It's a challenge working from my mobile studio but I am using our travel time to learn new skills and refine existing ones.

Monday, May 24, 2010

One of my Favorite Quilts!

I just found this really neat site for an on-line quilt festival and thought I would post an entry. There is a first time for everything!

My entry is the wedding wall quilt that I made for my son and daughter-in-law a few years ago. Under the guise of making a scrapbook for them, I asked them both write the story of how they met and under another pretence got a copy of some of their digital photographs. Where I didn't have photos, I used logos or paper pieced suitable blocks. Because New York City figured large in their story, I even created a map of Central Park, where my son proposed, and pieced a New York skyline. One of the wedding party hung it at the reception so guests could see it while waiting for their photos to be taken. When the bride and groom returned, they were amazed at my 'story board'. I used the 'attic windows' concept to unite the blocks and provide a 'window' into their memories.

The pictures aren't the best, but all that I have.

Here are some detail shots.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Quilt Canada 2010 - Calgary

I'm finally home after a delightful visit with friends from my Ottawa days. Vikki and Gayle thanks so much for enticing me into more than my planned activities! Dinner Thursday night with Dena Crain , a textile artist from Nakuru Kenya, was such a treat. And it was so much more fun to work the market mall with others while comparing notes.

The quilt and quilt art exhibitions was exhausting. In addition to trying to assimilate what I was seeing, my head was in a constant whirl of ideas for new projects of my own. Can you tell I've been isolated from the creative community for a while?! Tuesday night we only had time to take a quick look at the competition pieces but yesterday we took a more leisurely tour through the invitational work as well. There is so much more quilt art available in this show than a few years ago. I loved it! The traditional quilts were phenomenal and we all agreed that when we examined the $100K quilt on display it was worth every penny of the award! Sorry no pictures! Copyright issues prevent the posting of pictures of individual pieces but I've provided a couple of links to make up for it.

The couple of hours I spent as a volunteer in the SAQA exhibition were a lot of fun because I know several of the exhibitors and was able to talk with people about their work with a little bit of background knowledge. The 'Synthesis' exhibition by 18 Canadian members of SAQA has been touring since 2008 and will become part of a permanent gallery collection later in 2010. Elaine Quail's 'Hostas' certainly was a favorite among the viewers.

Before I broke my arm I had planned to send for a kit for the Trendtex Challenge but circumstances intervened. I spent some time with the numerous entries on displayed and renewed my vow to participate next time.

The unexpected bonus was a last minute opportunity to take a course with Dena Crain and to challenge myself to create a 'crystal' quilt. Dena teaches a number of techniques at Quilt University but to get to know her in a classroom setting was satisfying. I will be watching for future on-line courses with her.

Last night was a great adventure. I met Faye from High Line Alberta and was invited to have dinner with her, only to discover that her two sons would be joining us. We had a great time. Thanks to I-pod and camera I was introduced to the landscape and wildlife of this very northern part of the province - (only 200 kms) from the NW territories and the 60th parallel north. I left Faye talking with her sons and didn't get a chance to properly thank her. I know that she is not on-line and I don't have her last name or contact info so if anyone reading this can help me, I'd love to drop her a note. I wasn't able to find her classroom today.

After a quick stop for a great hamburger and chat with son and daughter-in-law we made it back home before dark - just in time for another shower to pass through. There is still a lot of snow remaining from earlier this week and the promise of some more in a couple of days. The joy of life in Alberta.