Today I've been struggling to learn some new blogging skills - working this time with to generate a color palette from a photo. You might want to check out this site as there are lots of tools and toys - free and low cost. Dale Anne Potter uses it for her Friday blog postings and I thought it might make a great 'learning' tool for some of my work.
Once I registered and uploaded a test photo, it was no problem to generate the palette. But what use is a 'palette' if I needed to go back on line to check it out while working on a piece? After some research, and trying several options, I eventually did a screen shot and saved it to a file which I then opened in Microsoft Picture Manager to crop and prepare it for posting. Then I discovered that blogger will not upload bmp files so back to the drawing board and another step in the process - in the Paint Program. I was finally able to change the format so I guess it will be directly to Paint next time! I was also able to save the palette in a format that can be used in Photoshop so learning how to use it in that program is topic for me to explore in the future.